Chinese Herb & Dietary Therapy
Traditional Chinese Medicine utilizes intentionally balanced herbs used as dietary supplements in the form of capsules, pills, powders or ointment to eliminate diseases. Chinese herbs are often used along with acupuncture as supplement treatment because it makes exclusively use of herbal combinations and no side effect at all.
In my clinic, rather than prescribing or suggestion specific herbs, we will combine a variety of different herbs in a single formula depending on each patient’s needs. These formulas more likely are given by pills, capsules or powders.
Herb medicine has been a part of Chinese culture and incorporated into our daily diet, for instance ginger, scallion, garlic, cinnamon ginseng, peppermint and more. These plant based herbs or vegetables are available everywhere and is natural ingredients, but it doesn’t mean its problem free, so it is necessary to discuss with us before taking any Chinese herbs.
A Recent Case
Here, I want to share a recent case, one of my patient got severe neck, shoulder pain and aggravated by cold temperature. She told me that she drank hot tea with a handful of peppermint just because she likes peppermint flavor and comes from natural. I educated her that peppermint is a herb with cold property and spread out the inflammation, so it definitely not for her condition right now and she has to stop consuming its until her pain goes away.
Again, every herb or plant has its own property regarding to Chinese Medicine, it important to first get our evaluation before taking anything.